After a two-year hiatus, the Killin Komedy Festival is back! It's taking place at the McLaren Hall this Friday and Saturday (6th & 7th May) and our own 'Give a Little Love' will be opening the festival on Friday evening.

The curtain goes up on Gerry, Cindy, Margo and Irene at 7:30pm and tickets are just £8 on the door. All profits will go to the SCDA.
'Give a Little Love' by Alan Stockdill
Remember the Bay City Rollers? Even if the answer is no, you'll enjoy this tale of memories and music. When some old school-friends meet up again after 30 years at a Bay City Rollers tribute concert it soon becomes apparent that you can take a girl from her teens, but you can't take the teenager from the girl. Laugh, cry and Shang-a-Lang along with Liz, Karen, Debbie and Bev - and get swept away by this entertaining, touching and revealing drama.
Come along and enjoy two great nights of one-act komedies!
Killin Komedy Festival
Friday 6th & Saturday 7th May
McLaren Hall, Killin FK21 8TN
£8 per night
