'Gibbie Proposes' - the first FADS production (1977)
Our next online social gathering is a retrospective evening, going right back to 1977, when 'Fintry Theatre Club' burst onto the stage!
Tony Flisch has been rummaging through the archives of photos and videos and has very kindly put together a presentation for us, with the help of founding member and star of the club's first production, Sheila Fraser.
So please join us for this look back at the early days of our drama club. If you're a longer-standing member, you may well see yourself up there...and the rest of us can have a good giggle trying to recognise you!
Grab a drink and a comfy seat and don't miss this great chance to find out more about our thespian roots :)
FADS: The Early Years
Thursday, Mar 25th at 7:30pm
Everyone welcome!
Zoom Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84025843644?pwd=dE11c3EvUkRRaTdwQjdqNDVTTmlXZz09
Meeting ID: 840 2584 3644
Passcode: 347958