Yes, we're taking everyone's favourite ex-prisoner and that overly-diligent cleaning lady off around Scotland this month.
First stop is East Kilbride, where we're competing in EK RepFest 2019. Given that 'Eight O'Clock' practically swept the board last year, we've got some big shoes to fill, but will give it our best shot! We're first up on Saturday 11th, followed by Killin DC with 'September in the Rain', then the final adjudication for all 10 competing plays will take place. Curtain goes up in the East Kilbride Village Theatre at 7:30pm, tickets just £7, available online now.
Then we're loading the set, the crew and five Young Farmers into a convoy of vehicles and heading to the north coast to catch the ferry to Stromness, before an onward drive to meet up with our friends from Birsay Drama Group. This will be the fourth time FADS has taken a production to Orkney, but a first visit for the thespians of SSSYFC, who will be performing their comedy, 'Little Grimley Presents...'.
The two plays, both directed and produced by Ian Turner, will be performed at Birsay Community Hall on Friday 17th and the Orkney Theatre in Kirkwall on Saturday 18th. In between set-ups and tech rehearsals, there will doubtless be some exploring of the beautiful island landscapes and sampling of local ales - strengthening ties with our Orcadian chums - before the delegation returns to Fintry on Sunday 19th.
After that, we'll all be ready for a little summer break before considering an autumn production and getting plans underway for the annual panto - oh, yes, we will!