Fintry Amateur Dramatic Society
With around 40 enthusiastic adult members and a raft of talented children from Fintry and many of the surrounding villages (and Glasgow!), the Club is a great mix of ages and experience. Our audiences have grown to expect a high standard of performance, with attention to detail in set design, costumes, make-up, lighting and sound all contributing to the quality of our productions.
We aim to stage something in Fintry each spring and autumn and work to have an entry in the annual SCDA One-Act Play competition – plus a rip-roaring pantomime at the end of every year.
We’re always looking to welcome new members, so either come along to one of our social events or click the button below if you’d like to join us.

Night Shift
by Peter Whiteley
Thurs 27th to Sat 29th March 2025
Four ‘bag ladies’ meet on a deserted piece of waste ground one chilly evening in October 2002. They talk about their current lives and past experiences, with all revealed (or is it?) at the end.
FADS is delighted to premiere this play. The audience will be seated at tables and we will provide some pakora and a glass of wine. The bar will serve additional wine and pakora. After the play, there will be a Q&A with the characters and the playwright, who is travelling down from Thurso with his family to see the play.
Director/Producer Tony Flisch, Lorna Flisch
Prompt Barbara McLeod
Bag Ladies Jeannie Woodburn, Rosie Walters,
Margo Campbell, Irene Kelso
Performance dates:
Thurs 27th to Sat 29th March - Menzies Hall, Fintry

Something in the Basement
by Don Nigro
Friday 27th April 2025
A married couple move into an old house, where they are troubled by Mary’s reluctance to allow Cecelia to touch her and by her growing insistence that there is something making bizarre noises in the basement. An obsessive struggle ensues, in a strange erotic triangle with the third member that lurks beneath them.
An unusual play, funny and terrifying, about things that go bump in the night. It was awarded first place in the Stirling District round of this year's one-act play competition, and moves on to the Eastern Division round in Leslie on Saturday 5th April.
**Please be advised that this play has adult themes and is not suitable for younger audiences**
Director/Producer Gavin Paterson
Cecelia Anna Foran
Mary Sarah Walker

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